The financing of the rehabilitation of this new section of National Highway No. 3 (RN3) by the European Union (EU) for an amoiunt of 40.7 million euros through the European Development Fund (FED), s part of the program to support the National Transport Policy (APONTRA) which aims to improve access to the Haitian people to basic infrastructure through the establishment of efficient and sustainable road transport. The program APONTRA also aims to support the government in the establishment of a coherent national road network, articulated between the major cities through efficient management and regular maintenance. The Convention APONTRA signed between the EU and the Republic of Haiti is accompanied of an additional support from France through a contribution of about 40 million euros from the French Development Agency (AFD).
"The launch of this new major project by the European Union and the Republic of Haiti is in line with the priorities set by the 10th European Development Fund (10th FED), which made of the infrastructures one of the major sectors of European cooperation in Haiti. This vast project also demonstrates the continued involvement and support of the European Union in favor of the development of the country, which goes largely by the strengthening of basic infrastructure" declared Mr. Carlo De Filippi, Charge d'Affaires and Head of Delegation of the European Union in Haiti, during the official signing ceremony held today in the premises of the Haitian Ministry of Public Works , Transport, Energy and Communication (MTPTC).
After completion with funding from the European Union of the section between Port-au-Prince and Mirebalais of a length of 42 km in 2009, and the section between Hinche and Mirebalais of a length of 54 km in 2011, which led to a significant revival of road transport and greater movement of goods and people, the rehabilitation of this new section of 44 km between St Raphaël and Hinche will allow to strengthen the economic growth of throughout the region.
This new investment aims to continue to promote the flow of agricultural products to the markets, by increasing trade with the capital, while fostering economic development in the Central Plateau and of North of the country, regions identified as areas with high potential for economic development.
Today, the launch of the construction of this new section between Hinche and Saint Raphaël launches the penultimate stage of the total rehabilitation of the national highway number 3 between Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien, which will be completed with the rehabilitation of the section between St. Raphael and Cap-Haitien which will begin, it, hrough a new financing of the European Union in early 2013.
S/ HaitiLibre
January 25, 2012
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